Le Héron des Raspes – croisière découverte sur le Tarn
VIALA-DU-TARN , Aveyron – Aktivität
Über uns
Embark aboard the “Héron des Raspes” and navigate in a particular landscape of the region, the Gorges Cristalline du Tarn, a natural site of impressive chaos. Plage du Mas de la Nauc (beach): boat hire and lifeguard patrolled beach in July and August.
Cruse depart from Mas de la Nauc, and aboard the “Héron des Raspes” you will navigate through the wild Raspes. Down through the Gorge Cristalline until the Pinet dam and return to the pontoon. Duration 1 hour 10 minutes. Commentated cruise.
Sprachen : Französisch – Englisch – Holländer
- Ab 14€
- Ab 10€
- Ab 13€
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