Château l’Ermitage


Über uns

L’Ermitage des Costières once produced the wine for the pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela.
The first Château l’Hermitage wine cellar was built in the early 1800s.

This 80-hectare vineyard is now internationally renowned.
Welcome to our vineyard that is currently being converted to organic farming practices.
We invite you to come and explore our estate, spread over the Grès Rhodanien soils, overlooking the Camargue.
Come and take part in a tasting of our wines in our wine-tasting cellar, and enjoy the unique grape varieties of the Costières de Nîmes appellation.

Parking available for 2 buses.
Open all year round.
Closed on Sundays.

Etiketten : Label Weinberge und Entdeckungen Weinkeller – unabhängige Winzer

Sprachen : Französisch


Château l’Ermitage
Route de Nîmes- 1301 chemin d’Auzan 30800 SAINT-GILLES

Route & Zugang

04 66 87 04 49



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