VILLEMATIER , Haute-Garonne

Über uns

The result of a passion, Château La Loge is the latest addition to the Frontonnais wine estates. The challenge for Audrey and Maxime Touzet was to develop the exceptional site while at the same time developing quality products with the authentic character that makes Château La Loge so special. A successful challenge since the wines of Château La Loge have already received praise from their wines. Located in an area labeled Natura 2000. Château La Loge’s Antchoubi red vintage presents as a rapidly developing wine with a certain complexity accessible to all. It is most appreciated by tasters looking for an “easy-drinking wine” to suit all occasions. Well-structured, balanced and rounded, and pleasant to drink from the first year, it nonetheless holds a surprise in store from the second and third year. The rosé is exceptionally fruity, and also clearly a resounding success. The wine is lively and intense with very good lasting flavour. Château La Loge rosé is perceived to be a “festive wine” packed with flavour (some qualify it as a “gourmet” wine). Light and easy-drinking, it even pleases those who opt for the most exclusive reds.

Etiketten : Label Weinberge und Entdeckungen

Sprachen : Englisch Italienisch Spanisch


  • Cartes de paiement
  • Carte bancaire
  • Bar
  • Scheck



  • Busparkplatz
  • Spediteur
  • Visites groupes guidées
  • Visites individuelles libres
  • Visites individuelles guidées

Fahren Sie mit liO Bus oder Stadtbus

A moins de 30 mn à pieds de l’arrêt VILLEMATIER – Mairie !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : 717 ST SULPICE – MONTAUBAN (717)
Buzet – Villemur – Fronton Lycée (375)
Villematier – Cépet – Toulouse (352)
Villemur – Montastruc – Toulouse (355)

Environ 23 min (1927 m).


  • Mindestanzahl Personen 7
  • Maximale Personenzahl 30
