ESPIRA-DE-L’AGLY , Pyrénées-Orientales

Über uns

Altes katalanisches Bauernhaus inmitten von Weinbergen, wo Catherine und ihre Kinder Sie empfangen werden, um Ihnen ihre Weine mit all ihrer Leidenschaft vorzustellen. Gruppenempfang nach Vereinbarung. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

Originally Burgundians, the members of the Jeannin family arrived in 1990 to take over this estate. The terroir, made up of black schists, is located along the Agly valley, at the foot of the Far Tower. The vines surround a beautiful house, dating from the last century, which has been restored over several years. In the center of the estate, another beautiful building houses the cellars from which many bottles fly to different countries. The black earth (cremat means burnt) of its slopes produces very colorful wines, dark ruby, liquorice and morello cherry. We must salute this family’s commitment to sustainable viticulture and obtaining the High Environmental Value certification in order to enhance all their manual work in the vineyard, as well as the reasoning of all stages of production.

Etiketten : Label Weinberge und Entdeckungen

Sprachen : Spanisch Englisch Französisch


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