CLARET , Hérault

Über uns

Dating from the post-medieval era, the Mas de Farjou is the birthplace of the Jean family whose Louis Jean, the grandfather, was founder of the Pic Saint Loup in 1955. This attests to the attachment of this family to this terroir backed by the Causse de l’Hortus, at the foot of the Pic Saint Loup. The economy of the Mas was based on three elements: the vine, the olive tree and the mulberry for the silkworm. Today it is essentially the vine that occupies the farm, knowing that the vine on this terroir is more than millennia because the lambrusque, ancestor of our vine in the Mediterranean basin occupied an important place by leaving its name to the hamlet of Embruscalles adjoining the Mas. The cultivation and maintenance of the vineyard are carried out with the utmost respect for the biodiversity proper to a high quality production. The grapes harvested at maturity are then worked in a cellar where nothing has changed for more than a century with its Marmonier press of 1911.

Sprachen : Englisch Französisch


  • Von lundi 1 janvier 2024 bis mardi 31 décembre 2024


  • Ab 0€
  • Ab 9,4€
  • Ab 0€
  • Ab 9,4€



  • Garten
  • Terrasse


  • Vente à la propriété
  • Visites individuelles libres
  • Visites individuelles guidées
  • Visites groupes libres
  • Visites groupes guidées
  • Verkostung von Erzeugnissen

Fahren Sie mit liO Bus oder Stadtbus

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt CLARET – FARJOU !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : Montpellier – St Mathieu – Quissac (615)

Environ 0 min (62 m).

Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
Calcul itinéraires et recherche horaires


  • Mindestanzahl Personen 10
  • Maximale Personenzahl 20
