Occitanie cycling: Unmissable passes, races, routes and roads

Le Col de Hautacam

Pyrenean mountain passes by bike, Col de Hautacam © www.velopeloton.com / HPTE

Explore the roads of Occitanie: from the Cévennes to the Pyrenees, be surprised by the variety of landscapes and gradients. Discover the legendary passes and run through the dynamic calendar of cyclo events in the region to prepare your next outing.

Solo or in a team, set off to conquer the mountain passes of the Occitanie region. For half a day, a full day or more, the region's most beautiful panoramas are no longer reserved for champions (thanks to electrically-assisted bikes!). In the Occitanie region, you have a wide choice of cycling passes to choose from: Col du Tourmalet, Plateau de Beille, Col de la Bataille, Col du Rey? 

The biggest mountain passes

A treat for your muscles and a feast for your eyes !

In the Pyrenees:

  • In the Hautes-Pyrénées: there are 14 listed mountain passes and mountain arrival sites in the area including the legendary Col du Tourmalet (2115m), Col de Peyresourde (1569m), Col de Val Louron - Azet (1580m), Col du Soulor (1474m), La Mongie (1715m), Lourdes-Hautacam (1560m) and Luz Ardiden (1715m).
  • In Haute-Garonne: the south of the area is home to a dozen mountain passes regularly covered by the Tour de France such as Port de Balès (1755m), Col des Ares (797m), Col de Buret (618m), Col de Menté (1349m), Col du Portet d’Aspet (1069m), Col du Portillon (1293m) and Col de Peyresourde (1569m).
  • In Ariège: the area has 20 listed mountain passes such as Col d’Agnes (1595m), Col de Port (1250m), Port de l’Hers (1517m), Col du Chioula (1431m), Col de Marmare (1361m), Plateau de Beille's summit (1747m), Col de Pailhères (2001m) and Col de Puymorens (1920m).

In the Cevennes:

  • Col des Lavagnes (Hérault): The Pont du Diable, the Hérault gorges and Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert will hold no secrets for you! Leaving from Saint-Jean-de-Buèges (accessible by bus) 54 km / 800 m ascent / 4h
  • Col du Rey (Lozère): A panoramic view of the Cévennes awaits you! Leaving from Saint-Germain-de-Calbert 101 km / 2,226 m / 5h
En Ariège

Cols des Pyrénées à vélo, L'Ariégeoise

The region's most beautiful roads

  • Route des Cols (Mountain Road Pyrenees): Tackle the Tour de France's famous mountain passes with a team or solo. One that always appears on any cyclist's bucket list is Col du Tourmalet followed by a thrilling descent into Barèges Valley or Campan Valley (depending which way up you go). (911 km / 15,937 m ascent / 15h30 - a must-do in the Pyrenees mountains). 
    Half-day ride, full-day trek or more: whatever you choose, the ascents and descents are always different, and the ever-changing views are always spectacular. The mountain isn't just for champions. With a little training, experienced cyclists can take it on.
  • Tour des plus beaux villages de l'Aveyron - 700 km / 7 days - Between causses and valleys, mountains and gorges, this itinerary will take you through the 10 most beautiful villages in Aveyron.
  • Les routes de Laurent Jalabert - 79 km / 1,205 m ascent / 4h30 - cyclosportif circuit created by Laurent Jalabert himself, through the Montagne Noire.
  • La route des cols Puyvalador-Cerbère - 245 km / 2234 m ascent - 4h30 - one of the most beautiful routes through the breathtaking landscapes of the Catalan countryside. 
    - Pirinexus - 353 km - on the Spanish border, between the Col d'Ares and the Vallespir of Arles sur Tech, the views of the Canigó are breathtaking.  
    - From Cerdagne to Port Vendres by road bike over 4 days in the Pyrénées Orientales


Col du Tourmalet

Col du Tourmalet, HPTE

The Tour de France

And other major cycling events

Top of the list is the Tour de France, which does the region proud every year. Other races such as La vélotoise, La Cycl'Roquefort, La Cycl'Aigoual, La Murataise, La Castraise, La Jalabert, La Casarteli, L'Ariégeoise, 66 dégrés Sud La Cyclo, La Pyrénéenne and La Campilora Pyrénées take part in the Trophée des Cyclosportives FFC d'Occitanie, a challenge that lets you discover the region's cycling events and win cycling and well-being breaks. 

More information

Le Tour de France dans les Pyrénées

Cols des Pyrénées à vélo, Tour de France, ASO / BADE / MOREAU - HPTE

No pain no gain

Spa: a Pyrenean speciality

Ride up then wind down. Countless spa resorts in the Pyrenees have opened spas and treatment centres where you can unwind in settings that are worth the detour. Natural hot springs, bubble beds, massage jets, saunas, hammams and relaxing or invigorating treatments will ease those sore muscles away.

Visit Aquensis in Bagnère-de-Bigorre, Bains du Rocher in Cauterets, Balnéa in the Louron Valley (between Col de Peyresourde and Col de Val Louron!), Jardin des Bains in Argelès-Gazost, Luzéa in Luz Saint-Saveur, Ciéléo in Barèges (at the bottom of Col du Tourmalet) and Bains du Couloubret in Ax-les-Thermes in Ariège.

Spa Aquensis

Spa Aquensis, CRT Occitanie - Patrice Thébault

How to get there?

  • By car: Occitania has a large number of motorways (A9, A20, A61, A75, etc.).
  • By plane: the region has several airports, including the international airports of Toulouse, Montpellier and Lourdes.
  • By train: the region is accessible from all the major cities of France and the European capitals.

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