ARGELES-SUR-MER , Pyrénées-Orientales – Collective housing
Our holiday village is a lively and friendly place, perfect for a great holiday with family or friends. Situated in the heart of a peaceful environment, on a 10-hectare estate planted with pine and palm trees, Les Abricotiers offers you a little corner of paradise and invites you to enjoy sweet moments of relaxation in a joyful and friendly atmosphere. The small houses and mobile homes sleep 4 to 8 people. They include a private bathroom, terrace and garden furniture. All the accommodation is located in the park, where you can enjoy a large outdoor swimming pool, communal sports pitches and a children’s play area. Themed evenings, sports tournaments, concerts and karaoke are on the programme every week for the enjoyment of young and old alike! In July and August, we also offer sports activities: football, water polo, pétanque and table tennis.
Spoken languages : Spanish – English – French
- Number of persons : 1028
- From 406€
- From 427€
- From 497€
- Carte bancaire
- Cash
- Credit transfer
- Chèques Vacances
- Visa
- Boules area
- Communal tennis court
- Play area
- Table tennis
- Terrace
- Swimming pool
- Pool
- Children’s swimming pool
- Bar
- Garden
- Heating
- Fridge
- Shower
- Kitchenette
- Separate toilet
- Terrasse privative
- Seminar
- Lave linge collectif
- Booking of general amenities
- Navette vers activités annexes
- Cleaning/housekeeping at end of stay
- Linen hire
- Nettoyage / ménage
- Tourist information
- Club for children
- Sèche linge collectif
- Postal service
- Communal tennis court
Go there by liO Train (regional trains)
A moins de 30 mn à pied de la gare de Argeles-sur-Mer !
Environ 29 min (2452 m).
La meilleure desserte pour la gare ARGELÈS SUR MER propose jusqu’à 12 A/R par jour entre 05:46:00 et 21:11:00.
Pour plus d’informations, allez sur FACIL’ITI
Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
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Get there by liO Car or city bus
A moins de 20 mn à pieds de l’arrêt ARGELÈS-SUR-MER – Lycée C.Bourquin !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes :
Environ 15 min (1279 m).
Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
Calcul itinéraires et recherche horaires
- Minimal number of persons 20
- Maximal number of persons 600