MARVEJOLS , Lozère – Rental accommodation


A little look back, the nobility and the bourgeoisie of Marvejols prospered thanks to the textile and wool industry
Local wealth in the 18th and 19th centuries. It seems that the Eimar de Jabrun family stayed in this luminous apartment called … Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

A little look back, the nobility and the bourgeoisie of Marvejols prospered thanks to the textile and wool industry
Local wealth in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Eimar de Jabrun apparently stayed in this luminous apartment, now called the Cadisserie because of its location in the heart of the Tisserands and Cardeurs districts
Push the heavy door of the rue de la Laine, discover a magnificent staircase that leads you to this single-storey apartment. Lean out of each window, which offers you a different landscape
Each room is decorated with a different style of fireplace, the original elm parquet flooring bathes the place in a honey color conducive to relaxation
A library invites you to discover the regional and historical past of this territory. During your stay in Gévaudan I will invite you to follow me in the alleys of the village to tell you the history of the royal city of Henri V. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

Spoken languages : English French


  • Number of persons : 5
  • Nombre de chambres : 3


  • From lundi 1 janvier 2024 to mardi 31 décembre 2024


  • Chèques bancaires et postaux
  • Cash
  • Credit transfer



  • Baby bed
  • Private washing machine
  • Book shop
  • Equipment store closed
  • Télévision couleur
  • Microwave
  • Jeux pour enfants
  • Baby chair
  • Oven


  • Sheets and towels included
  • Wi-fi

Go there by liO Train (regional trains)

Occitanie Rail Tour

A moins de 20 mn à pied de la gare de Marvejols !
Environ 17 min (1494 m).

La meilleure desserte pour la gare MARVEJOLS propose jusqu’à 2 A/R par jour entre 09:53:00 et 22:33:00.
Pour plus d’informations, allez sur FACIL’ITI

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Get there by liO Car or city bus

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt MARVEJOLS – Avenue du Chayla !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : MENDE – MARVEJOLS – CLERMONT-FERRAND (283)

Environ 5 min (453 m).

Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
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