BLAN , Tarn – Cultural heritage
Share culture, support creation!
ArtCoBlan is a hybrid space designed to encourage the practice of arts and crafts, creation and learning of artistic disciplines. It is also an exhibition space open to all, with free admission, a shop/bookshop and a café. In addition to its day-to-day activities, ArtCoBlan offers a wide range of events: art and decorative arts exhibitions, group courses (dance, tai chi, Qi gong, fascia stretching, gymnastics, etc.), meetings (symposia, round tables, conferences, designer markets, fashion shows, etc.), music (concerts, master classes, etc.) and performing arts. Open Thursday to Sunday and by appointment. Meet us at Blan in Tarn, 7km from Revel.
- From mercredi 1 janvier 2025 to mercredi 31 décembre 2025
- Shop
- Bibliothèque
- Visites individuelles libres
- Atelier pour adultes
- Temporary exhibition
- Conférences
- Animation thématique spécifique
- Symposia
- Atelier pour enfants