BEZIERS , Hérault – Cultural heritage


The Saint Aphrodise basilica, pre-Romanesque (8th century, reworked from the 12th to the 14th century), is built on the cave that serves as the tomb of the evangelizing saint, patron saint and first bishop of Béziers: Aphrodise. A former Egyptian priest of the cult of Amon, the legend says that Aphrodise left everything to bring the word of Christ, after having sheltered the Holy Family, which was fleeing the “massacre of the Innocents”. He left with his dromedary, evangelized Béziers, and was beheaded by the Romans in Place St Cyr. Then, with his head under his arm, he would have crossed the city to a cave, to bury himself there: it is said to be the current crypt of the Saint-Aphrodise basilica. It is nevertheless proven that the church was built on a paleochristian necropolis. After 20 years of closure to the public because of very unstable walls, the building is now stabilized. It reopens occasionally for St Aphrodise’s day, Heritage days, and guided tours.

Spoken languages : French


  • From dimanche 1 septembre 2024 to lundi 30 juin 2025

Go there by liO Train (regional trains)

Occitanie Rail Tour

A moins de 20 mn à pied de la gare de Beziers !
Environ 17 min (1458 m).

La meilleure desserte pour la gare BÉZIERS propose jusqu’à 29 A/R par jour entre 05:47:00 et 23:40:30.
Pour plus d’informations, allez sur FACIL’ITI

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Get there by liO Car or city bus

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt BEZIERS – GARE ROUTIERE !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : Béziers-Bessan-Florensac-Pomerol-Pinet (649)
Béziers-Colombiers-Nissan (641)
Béziers-Cornei-Murviel-Causse-St Nazaire (644)
Béziers-Lespignan (652)
Béziers-Lieuran-Espon-Puisa-Magalas-Fouz (646)
Béziers-Lignan-Thézan-Pailhès (645)
Béziers-Marau-Cazouls-Cessenon-Roquebrun (643)
Béziers-Montady-Capestang-Quarante-Monto (642)
Béziers-Montblanc-St Thibéry (648)
Béziers-Pouzolles-Margon-Roujan- Gabian (647)
Béziers-Puimi-Autignac-Laurens-Bédarieux (655)
Béziers-St Chinian-St Pons-La Salvetat (654)
Béziers-Valros-Pézenas-St Jean de Védas (656)
Béziers-Vendres (653)
Béziers-Vias-Agde-Marseillan (650)
Béziers-Villeneuve-Cers-Portiragnes (651)
St Jean De Védas – Pézenas – Béziers (603)

Environ 5 min (499 m).

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15 rue Gayon 34500 BEZIERS

Route & access

+33 4 67 31 03 53

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