BUNKERS 638 ET 610

AGDE , Hérault – Cultural heritage


In 1942, faced with the Allies in North Africa, Hitler ordered the end of the Demarcation Line and the construction of the Mediterranean Wall. Of the hundred or so bunkers built in Agde, 30 remain at the Site des Bunkers de La Tamarissière, defending the area from a possible Allied landing in the Occitanie region. These include 638, a 220m² German field hospital, and 610, a 200m² command and control post. You will discover how these two renovated buildings functioned, and understand their construction and equipment through the elements that the association has been able to recover. There is also an exhibition on the major themes of the conflict in a local version: German organisation, life in the bunkers, the situation of the people of Agatha under the occupation, and the stages of the reopening and restoration. Signposted on foot from the “Antoine Groignard” seafront car park. Length of visit: 1 hour

Spoken languages : English French



  • Coach parking
  • Visites individuelles libres
  • Visites individuelles guidées
  • Visites groupes libres
  • Visites groupes guidées


  • Animation thématique spécifique


  • Minimal number of persons 15
  • Maximal number of persons 25
