FOURNELS , Lozère – Cultural heritage


The castle of Fournels was built in 1573 under the reign of Charles IX by Jean Bastard d’Apcher, son of François Martin, baron of Apcher. Overlooking three valleys, the castle of Fournels occupied a strategic position; it was a true fortress… Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

The castle of Fournels was built in 1573 under the reign of Charles IX by Jean Bastard of Apcher, son of François Martin, baron of Apcher. Overlooking three valleys, the castle of Fournels occupied a strategic position; it was a real stronghold, defended by its towers and the thickness of its walls pierced with loopholes; this old residence has preserved all its authenticity. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme
