OURDON , Hautes-Pyrénées – Cultural heritage


The Romanesque church with a single nave and semicircular chevet is dedicated to Saint-Pierre-aux-liens. Located on the hill, it was rebuilt in 1898 and restored in 1999. Its fragment of fresco on the façade (temptation of Adam and Eve) has almost disappeared: Eve as a serpent woman embraced around the tree held out the apple to Adam; the site remains.
Worth seeing is the small Gallo-Roman votive altar embedded in the south wall with the inscription “Julia Paterna VS LM”. The upper part is missing. It is thought to be from the 1st or 2nd century…
Inside, there is little furniture under the round arch vault with panelling. On the north wall, opening by a semicircular arch, to a chapel. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme
