FOURNELS , Lozère – Cultural heritage


The church of Fournels has an architecture typical of the churches of the Terres de l’Aubrac. Dating from the first half of the 12th century, it is entirely built of granite stones in the sobriety and austerity of Romanesque art.
A beautiful basalt cross, presenting a Christ on the Cross and a Virgin and Child, stands behind the church at the chevet. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

The church of Notre-Dame remains faithful to the construction of the churches of the Highlands. It has a Romanesque architecture, on two floors topped by a bell tower-comb
Built entirely of granite, it is the oldest monument in the village, dating back to 1145 at the earliest. It was enlarged during the 16th century with the addition of radiating chapels. Its sober and austere facade shelters however in the hollow of a niche a beautiful polychrome Virgin and Child in stone.

Although the interior has few decorative elements, it does have the particularity of housing furniture made by local craftsmen, such as the oak high altar and the two tabernacles.

Behind the church, at the level of its chevet, there is a magnificent basalt cross, a witness to the presence of an ancient cemetery. The figuration includes a Christ on the Cross with his feet resting on Adam’s skull on one side, and on the other a Virgin and Child on a crescent moon and stars. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme
