AUMONT-AUBRAC , Lozère – Cultural heritage


The church of Saint-Etienne d’Aumont-Aubrac is a must for hikers of Saint-Jacques. Reshaped in the 19th century, it has one of the most remarkable arched portals in the region.
Its interior is a blend of Romanesque and Baroque styles with contemporary decoration such as its stained glass windows dating from the mid-20th century. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

The village of Aumont-Aubrac is home to the church of Saint-Etienne with its mixture of Romanesque and Baroque styles. Mentioned as early as 1106, it is now a must for shell hikers

Remodeled during the 19th century, the church retains a trace of each era of its construction. The apse is the oldest part while the nave seems to be older than the 14th century. It has a square bell tower finished with a spire, raised in 1809 with stones from the cemetery
Its south portal with a broken arch is one of the most remarkable in the region. Its granite rubble façade is typical of local architecture.

If the architecture remains sober and typical of the Romanesque style, the decoration shows its contemporaneity.
The magnificent stained glass windows dated 1967 are the work of a contemporary artist named Ménard.
In its vessel, at the entrance to the south chapel, is a superb painting representing the Virgin carrying the Child and the young John the Baptist. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

Go there by liO Train (regional trains)

Occitanie Rail Tour

A moins de 10 mn à pied de la gare de Aumont-Aubrac !
Environ 8 min (737 m).

La meilleure desserte pour la gare AUMONT-AUBRAC propose jusqu’à 2 A/R par jour entre 10:17:30 et 16:40:00.
Pour plus d’informations, allez sur FACIL’ITI

Get there by liO Car or city bus

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt PEYRE EN AUBRAC – Aumont Gare SNCF !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : MENDE – MARVEJOLS – CLERMONT-FERRAND (283)

Environ 7 min (632 m).


Place du cloître 48130 AUMONT-AUBRAC

Route & access

+33 4 66 42 88 70

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