AGOS-VIDALOS , Hautes-Pyrénées – Cultural heritage


The church dedicated to Saint Hippolyte, with its square tower, is situated on a mound, probably an ancient feudal mound. It took the place in 1826, of a former priory. The village was populated around this priory in 1257, thanks to a charter from the Count Esquivat de Chabanais, who granted tax benefits. It is the count of the charter of the medieval mill tower of Lourdes. The entrance is through the garden.
In 1093, the original church was given to the convent of Saint-Savin (Sén Sabi) by the local lords. This donation was confirmed by Pope Alexander III. In 1660, during the earthquake, the church had to be partly rebuilt and it is in the 18th century that we have a precise description, during the episcopal visit of 1781. The church was renovated in 1826, and the bell tower raised in 1832-1835. It was at this time that the tribune and probably the chapel of Saint Joseph and the sacristy were built. The Virgin of the chapel of the Virgin was restored in 1963 (gilding with fine gold). In the 19th century, many accessories were offered by villagers, including bells (1818, 1865), statues (1901-1905) and stained glass windows (1885). It can be noted that the church did not have a confraternity, nor a relic. It is reported that “during the demolition of the old church, about 30 years ago [1828], a stone was found on which were carved the arms of the Templars; it was buried, according to some, under the slabs of the portal of the new church, according to others, under the threshold of the door of the presbytery.” Bulletin de la société académique des H-P, 1858. Teacher Beauxis. This information is reported by Robert VIÉ, SESV of 1983. A precise description made by Hubert MATHIEU is available to visitors at the entrance of the church.
Inside, the central nave is bordered by two side chapels, one of which is the chapel of the Virgin, which has a beautiful late 17th century painting (mentioned in the episcopal inventory of 1781) representing the Holy Family gently leaning over the Child Jesus
The tabernacle of the high altar from the end of the 17th century is from the workshop of Jean I SOUSTRE from Asté who worked with the gilder Jean CATAU. It resembles that of Vidalos with its single Christ surmounted by an angel’s head and framed by two figures. Note, on the left of Christ, the Virgin weeping and, on the right, John with his pen writing his gospel. The bas-relief on the right represents the souls escaping from Hell, helped by angels. Behind the altar, a white stucco Saint Hippolytus (a Roman officer with a long sword) is enthroned with his martyr’s palm

Sources : www.patrimoines-lourdes-gavarnie.fr Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

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A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt AGOS-VIDALOS – Mairie !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : TARBES – LOURDES – GAVARNIE (965)

Environ 5 min (484 m).

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Rue Carrère Longue 65400 AGOS-VIDALOS

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+33 (0)5 62 97 51 22


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