AYROS-ARBOUIX , Hautes-Pyrénées – Cultural heritage


The stone church of Saint-Martin, situated on a hillock, would have been Romanesque, but it was restored (very restored) in the 18th century. Rectangular bell tower (barlong). The chevet has some modillions sculpted in the form of balls (besants).
It is surrounded by its cemetery. Moreover, in the 17th century, a sacred stone kept inside had the reputation of provoking rain if one dipped it in a stream.
This church is the origin of the legend of the dragon of Lake Isaby. The inhabitants of the village, having succeeded in ridding the region of a huge dragon, used its ribs to form the framework of their chapel. As soon as it was built, it rained incessantly. The inhabitants then had to rebuild their church with more traditional materials.
Inside, the large painting of the crucifixion shows Saint Martin and Saint Peter in the background. The gilded wooden tabernacle is relatively full of bas-reliefs and statuettes. The central part represents Christ Ecce Homo, a recurrent subject for Jean Brunello. He is surmounted by God the Father, coming out of his pediment in a semicircular arch, and himself is under a Virgin and Child. The whole is framed by two caryatids. The wings of the tabernacle, set back from the chest, are covered with bas-reliefs and statuettes in their niche. Those at the ends represent two bishops: Saint Martin and, it is commonly believed, Saint Blaise.

Sources: www.patrimoines-lourdes-gavarnie.fr Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme


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Cami deth serpent d’IsabyArbouix 65400 AYROS-ARBOUIX

Route & access

+33 (0)5 62 97 52 67


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