TOULOUSE , Haute-Garonne – Cultural heritage


It is time for the grand reopening! After three years of renovation, the time has come to open the doors of the refurbished precious arts museum of Paul-Dupuy and to discover its new curious and precious museography.

Located in the historical area of the Carmes, Paul-Dupuy is the decorative and graphical arts museum of the city of Toulouse. When the museum was founded in the beginning of the 20th century, it was established in an old mansion of a parliamentarian from Toulouse. Back then, it was a private institution that was home to a rich collection belonging to an amateur of art named Paul Dupuy (1867-1944). These collections included some art objects, paintings, sculptures, furniture, ethnographic objects, sketches, prints etc. Bequeathed to the city, it opened to the public in the 14th of July 1949. After 3 years of renovation, the museum reopened to the public in the 16th of November 2022 with a renewed museography and some enriched collection. You can now discover the pre-cinema and cinema collection in the screening study, one of the most beautiful collection of horology in the time study, and finally, the decorative arts collection in the precious study.


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  • American Express



  • Shop
  • Bibliothèque
  • Visites individuelles libres
  • Visites individuelles guidées
  • Visites groupes guidées


  • Atelier pour adultes
  • Temporary exhibition
  • Conférences
  • Animation thématique spécifique
  • Symposia
  • Atelier pour enfants

Go there by liO Train (regional trains)

Occitanie Rail Tour

A moins de 30 mn à pied de la gare de Saint-Agne !
Environ 26 min (2224 m).

Egalement, Gare Toulouse Matabiau à moins de 30 mn, Gare Saint-Cyprien Arenes à moins de 40 mn

La meilleure desserte pour la gare SAINT-AGNE propose jusqu’à 67 A/R par jour entre 05:23:00 et 22:48:00.
Pour plus d’informations, allez sur FACIL’ITI

Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
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Get there by liO Car or city bus

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt TOULOUSE – Chaussee (Tisseo) !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : TOULOUSE – BOUSSENS – ST GIRONS – GUZET (452)

Environ 8 min (674 m).

Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
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  • Minimal number of persons 15
  • Maximal number of persons 35
