LATTES , Hérault – Cultural heritage
Located near the archaeological site on the outskirts of a 280-hectare natural park, the museum invites visitors to discover the remains of the ancient city unearthed during the excavation campaigns conducted from 1963 to the present day. Spread over two levels, the permanent exhibition offers a real chronological and thematic archaeological tour to discover the collections: more than 1,500 ceramics, glass urns, everyday objects, tools, crockery, jewellery, oil lamps, coins, mosaics, antique sculptures, steles, objects from the Saint-Michel necropolis where 76 tombs were discovered… From the Neolithic period with the development of the Chasséenne civilization (4500-3500 BC) to the Middle Ages, the archaeological museum accompanies the public.
Spoken languages : French
- From mercredi 1 janvier 2025 to mercredi 31 décembre 2025
- From 0€
- From 4€
- Carte bancaire
- Chèques bancaires et postaux
- Cash
- Eurocard – Mastercard
- Visa
- Coach parking
- Visites individuelles libres
- Visites individuelles guidées
- Visites groupes libres
- Visites groupes guidées
- Animation thématique spécifique
- Atelier pour enfants
- Temporary exhibition
- Symposia
- Conférences
Get there by liO Car or city bus
A moins de 40 mn à pieds de l’arrêt LATTES – OASIS PALAVASIENNE !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : Montpellier – Palavas (631)
Environ 39 min (3325 m).
Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
Calcul itinéraires et recherche horaires
- Minimal number of persons 10
- Maximal number of persons 30