Vestiges du château de Peyroles

LA SALVETAT-PEYRALES , Aveyron – Cultural heritage


Ruins of an ancient fortified castle which gave its name to the region, the Peyralès !

Could you imagine this castle was so important that it gave its name to the region, the “Peyralès”? . It was indeed the headquarters of a powerful seigneury. Along a fortified tower and the arcades of a former church, the ruins of several buildings are still visible, on the plateau and on the slopes leading to it. During the year 1000, the castle was falling into ruins : thanks to the insistence of Blauzac’s inhabitants, Castelmary lord accepted to fix the tower and the ramparts in 1381, mainly to face the attacks during the Hundred Years war. The barnyard was separated into 21 “cazaux” which were small land portions given especially to Blauzac inhabitants to seek refuge when they needed it.

Directions: From La Salvetat follow the D905 towards Carmaux for 3.5km. The ruins of the Chateau are on the left. THE RUINS ARE DANGEROUS. ACCESS IS FORBIDDEN.

Spoken languages : French


  • From mercredi 1 janvier 2025 to mercredi 31 décembre 2025
