Forêt jardin du Landassou

QUINS , Aveyron – Natural heritage


Development, evolution, contemplation of a garden forest in Aveyron, between fruit production and biodiversity. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

The garden forest, between nature and culture

Since 2013, a former artificial peerage, very poor in animal and plant species, is the place of a wild garden experiment, where I try with the minimum of interventions to develop a hybrid space, half-spontaneous, half-cultivated. I plant, I maintain the paths to facilitate the walk, but above all I welcome what wants to come. The spirit is that of Eric Lenoir’s punk garden and Robert Hart’s forest garden. You will discover the pleasure of walking comfortably but in the middle of wild grass, in a landscape that is meant to close in while keeping interior breaths and openings to the outside.

Producing and dreaming

The garden forest is beginning to provide some food resources: fruits, berries, vegetables and a variety of herbs grow among the grasses, oaks, flowers, bushes? Today I share the pleasure of a visit, one day the harvest. The main thing is the pleasure of the walk, of the contemplation. Let yourself go and follow the paths according to your intuition and get lost: the garden forest is less than one hectare, you risk nothing! But don’t forget to bring closed shoes, as you would for a serious walk…
Encourage biodiversity

Biodiversity is already exploding: plants, mushrooms, animals are reinvesting a space that offers them tranquility, resources and shelter. Some of them can be discovered and admired, others are more discreet but leave the signature (including photographic) of their passage. You will learn to recognize the diversity of plants, insects, and if there is little chance that you will meet the fox, you may surprise smaller animals if they crawl, run, or fly away at your approach.

A different experience

You will not see a well-combed, controlled, corseted space, but the serenity of letting go. You will not find a definitive garden, aesthetically pleasing from every angle, but a piece of nature in evolution, whose future remains to be discovered. This does not prevent, here and there, some useful or pleasant arrangements, and most often both! You will visit the underground greenhouse where citrus fruits thrive, you will be amused by the adaptation to Segala of a draft Japanese garden. Traduction automatique par DeepL via DATAtourisme

Spoken languages : English French


  • From mercredi 1 mai 2024 to jeudi 31 octobre 2024
