BEZIERS , Hérault – Restauration


In the heart of Béziers Gilles Goujon opens the doors of his starred restaurant : L’alter-native. With Quentin Pallestor-Veryrier at the head of the brigade, Gilles Goujon has made this establishment an address that counts in the landscape of French gastronomy. The chef and his team will offer, on the menu, fish from his own farm and vegetables grown in permaculture and in an educational garden A farmyard meat will regularly complete the menu The starred chef and his family will be present, in turn, once a week at the restaurant to make this new address an essential step in the gastronomy of Béziers without forgetting its family spirit.

Type de cuisine : Gastronomic cuisine, Nouvelle cuisine française

Labels : Michelin 1 star 2020 3 Toques 2020


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Go there by liO Train (regional trains)

Occitanie Rail Tour

A moins de 10 mn à pied de la gare de Beziers !
Environ 9 min (818 m).

La meilleure desserte pour la gare BÉZIERS propose jusqu’à 29 A/R par jour entre 05:47:00 et 23:40:30.
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Get there by liO Car or city bus

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt BEZIERS – Bv. de Verdun (Gare Sncf) !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : 753 CASTRES – BEZIERS – VALRAS (753)
Béziers-Colombiers-Nissan (641)
Béziers-Lespignan (652)
Béziers-Marau-Cazouls-Cessenon-Roquebrun (643)
Béziers-Montady-Capestang-Quarante-Monto (642)
Béziers-Puimi-Autignac-Laurens-Bédarieux (655)
Béziers-St Chinian-St Pons-La Salvetat (654)
Béziers-Vendres (653)
Béziers-Villeneuve-Cers-Portiragnes (651)
Navette Aeroport Béziers-Cap d’Agde (660)

Environ 9 min (776 m).

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