CAPESTANG , Hérault – Restauration
From its outdoor terrace, La Batelière offers a breathtaking view of the Canal du Midi. Inside, the restaurant offers a lounge area and a restaurant area with open kitchen. You will appreciate its traditional cuisine and its grilled meats. Every week, fresh fish and beef of very good quality are served with fresh pasta and home made sauce. And why not finish with a delicious sorbet? The real taste of vacation! The tourist office is located about ten meters away, perfect for getting ideas for outings and visits for the rest of the day.
Type de cuisine : Traditional French cooking, Fish, Grill, Sea food
Spoken languages : English – French
- From samedi 29 mars 2025 to dimanche 2 novembre 2025
- Carte bancaire
- Cash
- Eurocard – Mastercard
- Chèques Vacances
- Visa
- Titres restaurant (vouchers)
- Terrace
- Baby chair
- Zone fumeur
- Bar
- Coach parking
- Wi-fi
- Buffet meal
- Takeaway/cooked dishes
- Caterer
Get there by liO Car or city bus
A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt CAPESTANG – République !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : Béziers-Montady-Capestang-Quarante-Monto (642)
Environ 4 min (345 m).
Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
Calcul itinéraires et recherche horaires
- Minimal number of persons 10
- Maximal number of persons 100