BEZIERS , Hérault – Restauration


Shake House is located on the Place Jean Jaurès, in the city center of Béziers and offers you its specialty 80 flavours of milkshakes (from a strawberry tagada candy to a Kinder Bueno chocolate, a fresh fruit or a vanilla syrup) You will also find homemade smoothies, fresh fruit, hot drinks (coffee, hot chocolate) as well as a salty menu of hot dogs and bagels. Our bagels are made with real New York bagel bread, poached in water before being baked in the oven which makes the bread soft We also use 100% French meats (beef roast, chicken) and even local meats (Auvergne ham, trout from the South West, Cantal PDO, Roquefort PDO) as well as a vegan alternative for all our bagels (vegetarian strips from the French company “nouveaux fermiers”).

Type de cuisine : Vegetarian cuisine

Spoken languages : English French


  • Carte bancaire
  • Cash



  • Terrace
  • Air conditioning


  • Wi-fi
  • Accès Internet
  • Takeaway/cooked dishes
  • Home delivery

Go there by liO Train (regional trains)

Occitanie Rail Tour

A moins de 10 mn à pied de la gare de Beziers !
Environ 7 min (589 m).

La meilleure desserte pour la gare BÉZIERS propose jusqu’à 29 A/R par jour entre 05:47:00 et 23:40:30.
Pour plus d’informations, allez sur FACIL’ITI

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Get there by liO Car or city bus

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt BEZIERS – Av.du 22 Août !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : Béziers-Bessan-Florensac-Pomerol-Pinet (649)
Béziers-Colombiers-Nissan (641)
Béziers-Cornei-Murviel-Causse-St Nazaire (644)
Béziers-Lespignan (652)
Béziers-Lieuran-Espon-Puisa-Magalas-Fouz (646)
Béziers-Lignan-Thézan-Pailhès (645)
Béziers-Marau-Cazouls-Cessenon-Roquebrun (643)
Béziers-Montady-Capestang-Quarante-Monto (642)
Béziers-Montblanc-St Thibéry (648)
Béziers-Pouzolles-Margon-Roujan- Gabian (647)
Béziers-Puimi-Autignac-Laurens-Bédarieux (655)
Béziers-St Chinian-St Pons-La Salvetat (654)
Béziers-Valros-Pézenas-St Jean de Védas (656)
Béziers-Vendres (653)
Béziers-Vias-Agde-Marseillan (650)
Béziers-Villeneuve-Cers-Portiragnes (651)
St Jean De Védas – Pézenas – Béziers (603)

Environ 9 min (767 m).

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