142 liO bus service (+ 105 liO bus service)

  • Alès
  • Le Vigan

The 142 liO bus service“Alès – Le Vigan” line takes you to discover the southern Cévennes, in particular Anduze and the Causses and Cévennes territory. In Vigan, continue with line 105 liO bus service to the Navacelles cirque, Grand Site Occitanie.

  • Period: all year round
  • Days: Monday to Friday, does not operate on public holidays
  • Departure point from Alès: Bus Station.

Recommended stops 

Places to eat and sleep at each stop. 



35 minutes from Alès. Stop: Le Château. Experience local life in the lovely town of Anduze, the gateway to the Cévennes and capital of the famous Vase.

The old town has held onto its medieval personality with narrow, winding streets, fountains and squares where you can enjoy a leisurely stroll. Find out more.

VTT vers le Vigan©O_Octobre-PACT_Cevennes

Le Vigan

30 minutes from Le Vigan. Stop: Belvédère. Experience 360° views of the Cirque de Navacelles on Causse de Blandas. 

You can take the 105 liO "Le Vigan - Vissec" bus from Le Vigan to Cirque de Navacelles.

  • Period: all year round. 
  • Days: Monday to Saturday. No service on Sundays and bank holidays. 
  • Recommended start point from Le Vigan: Communauté de Communes stop.  


30 minutes from Le Vigan. Stop: Belvédère. Experience 360° views of the Cirque de Navacelles on Causse de Blandas. 

Moulin de la Fou©O_Octobre-PACT-Cevennes


1 hr 20 from Le Vigan. Stop: Place. Vissec is a small hamlet nestling in the Gorges de la Vis upstream from the Cirque de Navacelles. Lots of hiking trails start here.