205 liO bus service

  • Figeac
  • Villefranche-de-Rouergue

You can take a train to and from Figeac and Villefranche-de-Rouergue on the Bastide service. So why take the bus? Because the 205 liO bus stops in Villeneuve-d'Aveyron which is listed as a Grand Site Occitanie as part of the "Bastides et Gorges de l'Aveyron" network.

  • Period: all year round.
  • Days: Monday to Friday, Sunday and bank holidays, except May 1st.
  • Start point if you take the bus from Figeac: Gare SNCF.
  • Start point if you take the bus from Villefranche-de-Rouergue: Gare SNCF.

Recommended stop



15 minutes from Villefranche-de-Rouergue or 31 minutes from Figeac. Stop: Pharmacie. With its flagstone roofs, impressive belltower and defensive keeps, Villeneuve-d'Aveyron towers over the Causse like a watchman.

The bastide actually expanded around a "sauveté": an inviolable safe zone marked out by crosses. Soak up its timeless heritage as you wander through the maze of lanes around Saint-Sépulcre Church. Visit the art gallery founded by the famous 60s photographer Jean-Marie Périer. Places to eat and sleep on-site. Find out more.