214 liO bus service

  • Rodez
  • Millau

The main interest of the 214 liO bus «Rodez-Millau» is to make the connection between Rodez and Séverac-d'Aveyron (name of the station of Sévérac le-Château). It allows you to go from the cathedral line to the Aubrac line (or vice versa) in 1 hour. You can of course, if you wish, do the whole Rodez-Millau line from end to end.

  • Period: all year.
  • Days: Monday to Sunday, including holidays (except May 1).
  • Start point from Rodez: SNCF train station.
  • Start point from Sévérac-d'Aveyron: SNCF station.

Recommended stop

Séverac-le-Château © Guillaume Payen / CRTL Occitanie


55 minutes from Rodez. Stop: SNCF station of Séverac-D'Aveyron. Whether you arrive in Séverac by train on the Aubrac line, or by bus on the 214 line, take time to immerse yourself in the medieval atmosphere of Séverac-le-Château.

Visit the castle, stop at the village for lunch. More information.