282 Lio Bus Service

  • Mende
  • Langogne

Recommended stops

Places to eat and sleep at each stop.

The 282 "Mende - Langogne" liO bus Service introduces you to Lozère, specifically the leafy Margeride area deep in the Massif Central.  

  • Period: all year. 
  • Days: Monday to Friday, weekends and bank holidays. 
  • Recommended start point from Mende: Gare routière 


20 minutes from Mende. Stop: N88. Laubert is a village with a mountain climate and some remarkable old buildings Subject to snowfall, hit the pistes at the Laubert Plateau du Roy Nordic ski resort.

Subject to snowfall, hit the pistes at the Laubert Plateau du Roy Nordic ski resort.   Find out more.


40 minutes from Mende. Stop: Centre Village. The Lords of Randon built Châteauneuf-de-Randon in the Middle Ages. When you think of the village, you think of Bertrand du Guesclin

Several monuments have been built in his honour.  

Places to eat and sleep on-site. Find out more