394 liO bus service

  • Saint-Gaudens - Montréjeau
  • Luchon

The 394 liO bus runs through the Garonne Valley in the Pyrenees foothills to Luchon, a Grand Site Occitanie.

  • Period: all year round.
  • Days: Monday to Sunday, including bank holidays, except May 1st.
  • Start point from Montréjeau: Gare de Montréjeau Gourdand Polignan.

Recommended stop

Luchon Superbagnères © D.Viet / CRTL Occitanie


56 minutes from Montréjeau. Stop: Lycée. Luchon is a lovely spa town with elegant 18th century architecture. It's an incredible setting, surrounded by mountains peaking at over 3000m.

Take the 8 minute cable car ride from the town centre up to Luchon Superbagnères ski resort. Visit the Dardenne chocolate factory or get to grips with mountain sports with an instructor. Relax in Luchon's spa, home to the only natural vaporarium (steam bath) in Europe (opening in June 2024). Places to eat and sleep on-site. Find out more.

Regional bus liO © Lydie Lecarpentier / Région Occitanie