707 liO bus service

  • Albi
  • Cordes sur Ciel

The 707 liO bus connects 2 Occitanie Grands Sites on 2 Occitanie Rail Tour lines: Albi on the Cathedrals service and Cordes sur Ciel on the Bastides service. It takes you from one to the other in 30 minutes, crossing the sun-drenched Cordais plateau and its AOP Gaillac vineyards.

  • Period: all year round.
  • Days: Monday to Saturday.
  • Recommended start point from Albi: République.

Recommended stop


Bastides et villages perchés

Cordes sur Ciel

30 min from Albi. Stop: La Bouteillerie. Cordes-sur-Ciel, Grand Site Occitanie, is one of the station stops on the Occitanie Rail Tour.

Cordes Vindrac-Alayrac station is 5km from town. Although the 707 bus takes you from the station to the village, this liO bus from Albi is a faster and more direct route to the medieval town. Hit the Grand'Rue, soak up the architecture, explore the history and enjoy the friendly hospitality in this beautiful town. Find out more.