888 liO bus service

  • Souillac
  • Saint-Denis-Les-Martels

The 888 "Souillac - Saint-Denis-Les-Martels" liO bus stops in Martel, listed as a "Plus Beau Village de France", "Ville d'Art et d'Histoire" and "Site Remarquable du Goût". This must-visit destination towers over the Dordogne Valley from its Causse plateau.  

  • Period: all year round.
  • Days: Monday to Friday.
  • Start point from Souillac: Gare SNCF. 

Recommended stop

Places to eat and sleep on-site.



35 min from Souillac. Stop: Bourg. The Turenne Viscount used to own Martel, the "town of 7 towers". Opulent houses, internal courtyards, secret passages, heavy wooden doors...

A trip to Martel is like stepping back in time. The Wednesday and Saturday markets at the market hall capture the Occitanie lifestyle. Don't miss: hop on board the Martel steam train in the Dordogne Valley hills (the station is 6 minutes from Martel town centre). Find out more