Train in station © Les Michmich' en Vadrouille 1/1

La Bastide Puylaurent

On the Occitanie Rail Tour

Discover La Bastide Puylaurent

Between Lozère and Ardèche, La Bastide Puylaurent nestles in the magnificent upper valley of the Allier. The village is close to two major walking trails: the legendary Stevenson Trail (GR®70 - 179 km) and the Régordane Trail (GR®700 - 250 km).

The railway station, called La Bastide-Saint-Laurent-les-Bains (because it serves two villages) was built in the 19th century at the time of the construction of the Paris-Nîmes railway line. 

In La Bastide Puylaurent you'll enjoy: 

  • Following the hiking trail to the Notre-Dame des Neiges Cistercian abbey (2 hours round-trip)
  • Walking part of the Stevenson Trail between La Bastide Puylaurent and Chasseradès (12 km one way) Taking the train at Chasseradès station to come back, or continuing on the Stevenson Trail
  • Discovering the Régordane Trail heading north towards the village of Luc and its castle (15 km one way)
  • Renting an electric mountain bike and exploring the trails nearby. 

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