Rivesaltes ©Palauenc5-creative-commons 1/1


On the Occitanie Rail Tour

Discover Rivesaltes

Located on the right bank of the River Agly, Rivesaltes is one of the wine capitals of the Roussillon. The esplanade in the heart of the town is lined with wine shops selling local wines and the famous Muscat de Rivesaltes.

The history of Rivesaltes also includes the sorrowful memory of the Rivesaltes camp, where thousands of people were interned between 1941 and 1966. A memorial was built there in 2015. It explores this chapter of history through an admirably designed itinerary. 


Discover the must-sees of Rivesaltes. It should be noted that the Rivesaltes Camp Memorial is located far from the town centre. Check the “Mobility” section at the bottom of the page to find out how to get there.

In Rivesaltes, you'll enjoy: 

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