Chi siamo

Located on the doorstep of the Cévennes, 35 minutes north of Montpellier, Located at the entrance to the village of Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois, on the D986 between Montpellier and Ganges, our outdoor activity centre is where you meet your team of instructors and the starting point for outdoor activities in the Hérault Valley. Our team is made up of experienced instructors and professionals who are appreciated for their people skills and good humour. They will share their passion for outdoor activities with you during outings in small groups (between five and eight people), following original trails designed and developed by us keeping in mind the importance of learning about and respecting the environment. Our exclusive offers: via ferrata by night, deep water soloing, rock climbing,

Lingue parlate : Inglese Francese

Modalità di pagamento

  • Cartes de paiement
  • Buonp regalo Cadhoc
  • Carte bancaire
  • Chèques bancaires et postaux
  • Contanti
  • Bonifico bancario
  • Assegno vacanze
  • Visa



  • Parcheggio pullman

Arrivare in liO Auto o autobus urbano

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt ST BAUZILLE-DE-PUTOIS – Stade !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : Montpellier – Ganges – Le Vigan (608)

Environ 8 min (690 m).

Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
Calcul itinéraires et recherche horaires


  • Numero minimo di persone 1
  • Numero massimo di persone 200
