Chi siamo

Philippe Formentin, a winemaker or rather a “flying” winemaker, has worked for Alain Chabanon for 10 years and made wine all over the world, including California, Corsica, Russia and India. But Philippe has only one thing in mind: making wine naturally, without the use of chemicals. In 2011, he finally had the chance to lay down his vats in a patch of garrigue scrubland on the outskirts of Clermont l’Hérault. His dream became reality: making natural wine at home, here in the foothills of the Larzac. Opi d’Aqui is born! Artisanal natural wine, vineyards in the garrigue scrubland under organic and biodynamic management. Manual labour in the vineyards and winery.

Etichette : Agricoltura biologica (AB)

Arrivare in liO Auto o autobus urbano

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt CLERMONT-L’HERAULT – C. Commercial !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : Clermont L’Hérault – Fontès (666)
Clermont L’Hérault – Le Pouget – Tressan (667)
Clermont L’Hérault – Pézenas (664)
Lodève – Clermont L’Hérault (Marché) (697)
Lodève – Clermont L’Hérault – Pézenas (680)
Montpellier – Bédarieux – St Pons de Th. (685)
Montpellier – Gignac – Clermont L’Hlt (662)
Montpellier – Gignac – Lodève (661)
Montpellier – Le Poujol Sur Orb (663)
Montpellier – Millau (681)
Montpellier – St Guilhem le Désert (668)

Environ 6 min (508 m).

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