SAINT-BERTRAND-DE-COMMINGES , Haute-Garonne – Sistemazione all’aperto

Chi siamo

In the prestigious setting of Saint Bertrand-Valcabrère, “ES PIBOUS” in the local “Commingeois” dialect means “poplar trees”, it is an ideal restful spot to breathe the pure fresh air of the countryside and the mountains.

Located in the heart of the former Roman city, dominated by the Saint-Bertrand de Comminges Cathedral and close to the Saint Just de Valcabrère Basilica (2 sites which are registered as part of the Saint James Way (Chemins de St. Jacques de Compostelle)), the Es Pibous campgrounds welcomes you to its prestigious and historical setting for an unforgettable stay. Es Pibous in the local “Commingeois” dialect meaning “poplar trees” has 80 pitches to welcome you allowing you to fully enjoy an ideal restful spot to breathe the pure fresh air of the countryside and the nearby mountains.

Lingue parlate : Francese Spagnolo


  • Numero di persone : 320


  • Dal vendredi 1 mars 2024 al lundi 30 septembre 2024


  • A partire dal 5€

Modalità di pagamento

  • Carte bancaire
  • Assegno vacanze
  • Eurocard – Mastercard
  • Contanti
  • Bonifico bancario
  • Visa
  • Assegno



  • Terrain non clos
  • Scolare acqua nera
  • Piscina
  • Emplacement camping car
  • Evacuation des eaux usées
  • Accesso Internet Wifi
  • Jeux pour enfants
  • Sala riunioni
  • Sanitaire commun
  • Allacciamenti elettrici
  • Barbecue
  • Sala TV
  • Cabina telefonica
  • Bocciodromo/campo di bocce
  • Seggiolone
  • Allacciamenti dell’acqua


  • Lave linge
  • Terreno chiuso di notte
  • Piazzola camper annuale
  • Location bungalow
  • Affitto HLL/chalet

Arrivare in treno liO (treni regionali)

Occitanie Rail Tour

A moins de 40 mn à pied de la gare de Loures-Barbazan !
Environ 35 min (2934 m).

Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
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Arrivare in liO Auto o autobus urbano

A moins de 10 mn à pieds de l’arrêt SAINT-BERTRAND-DE-COMMINGES – Ecole !
Cet arrêt est situé sur les lignes : Montréjeau – Barbazan – Saint-Gaudens (398)

Environ 9 min (824 m).

Calculez votre itinéraire pour votre voyage en Occitanie avec les trains ou les cars Lio
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